/* * Theme Name: Click * Author: Okathemes * Version: 1.0.0 /* Table of Content ================================================== 01. Sticky Header 02. Main Menu 03. Revolution slider 04. Owl carousel 05. Fancybox 06. Initialize Masonry 07. Parallax Mobile 08. Tabs 09. Data Rel 10. Tooltip 11. Fact Counter 12. Progress Bar 13. Flick Feeds 14. Preloader 15. Pie Chart 16. On to Top 17. Header Search */ // /* ====== ON DOCUMENT READY START ====== */ "use strict"; $(document).ready(function() { $(window).trigger("resize"); initWorkFilter(""); /* 01 Sticky Header ================================================== */ var menu = $('.header-nav'), pos = menu.offset(); $(window).scroll(function() { if ($(this).scrollTop() > pos.top + menu.height() && menu.hasClass('set') && $(this).scrollTop() > 100 && $makeSticky) { menu.fadeOut('fast', function() { $(this).removeClass('set').addClass('sticky').fadeIn('fast'); }); } else if ($(this).scrollTop() <= pos.top + 100 && menu.hasClass('sticky')) { menu.fadeOut(0, function() { $(this).removeClass('sticky').addClass('set').fadeIn(0); }); } }); /* 02 Main Menu ================================================== */ $('.js-activated').dropdownHover({ instantlyCloseOthers: false, delay: 0 }).dropdown(); function stopPropagation(event) { event.stopPropagation(); } $('.dropdown-menu a, .social .dropdown-menu, .social .dropdown-menu input').on("click", stopPropagation); /* 03 Revolution Slider ================================================== */ jQuery('.banner').revolution({ delay: 9000, startwidth: 1170, startheight: 650, hideThumbs: 10 }); jQuery('.banner-full').revolution({ delay: 9000, startwidth: 1400, startheight: 800, hideThumbs: 10 }); jQuery('.banner-full-height').revolution({ delay: 9000, startwidth: 1170, startheight: 900, hideThumbs: 100, fullWidth: "on" }); /* 04 Owl Carousel ================================================== */ $(".owlcarousel").owlCarousel({ navigation: false, pagination: true, rewindNav: false, items: 3, mouseDrag: true, itemsDesktop: [1200, 3], itemsDesktopSmall: [1024, 3], itemsTablet: [970, 2], itemsMobile: [767, 1], }); $(".owlcarousel-full").owlCarousel({ navigation: true, navigationText: ['', ''], pagination: false, rewindNav: true, autoPlay: false, items: 3, mouseDrag: true, itemsDesktop: [1200, 3], itemsDesktopSmall: [1024, 3], itemsTablet: [970, 2], itemsMobile: [767, 1] }); $(".owlcarousel-full2").owlCarousel({ navigation: true, navigationText: ['', ''], pagination: false, rewindNav: false, items: 5, mouseDrag: true, itemsDesktop: [1200, 6], itemsDesktopSmall: [1024, 4], itemsTablet: [970, 2], itemsMobile: [767, 1] }); 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} function owlPrev(event) { owl.trigger('owl.prev'); } // Custom Navigation Events $(".slider-next").on("click", owlNext); $(".slider-prev").on("click", owlPrev); /* 05 Fancy Box ================================================== */ $(".fancybox").fancybox({ arrows: true, padding: 0, closeBtn: true, openEffect: 'fade', closeEffect: 'fade', prevEffect: 'fade', nextEffect: 'fade', helpers: { media: {}, overlay: { locked: false }, buttons: false, thumbs: { width: 50, height: 50 }, title: { type: 'inside' } }, beforeLoad: function() { var el, id = $(this.element).data('title-id'); if (id) { el = $('#' + id); if (el.length) { this.title = el.html(); } } } }); /* 06 Initialize Masonry ================================================== */ function init_masonry() { (function($) { $(".masonry").imagesLoaded(function() { $(".masonry").masonry(); }); })(jQuery); } /* 07 Parallax Mobiles ================================================== */ if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/webOS/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/BlackBerry/i)) { $('.parallax').addClass('mobile'); } /* 08 Tabs ================================================== */ $('.tabs.services').easytabs({ animationSpeed: 300, updateHash: false, cycle: 5000 }); $('.tabs.tabs-top, .tabs.tabs-side').easytabs({ animationSpeed: 300, updateHash: false }); /* 09 Data Rel ================================================== */ $('a[data-rel]').each(function() { $(this).attr('rel', $(this).data('rel')); }); /* 10 Tooltip ================================================== */ if ($("[rel=tooltip]").length) { $("[rel=tooltip]").tooltip(); } $('.hideme').bind('inview', function(event, visible) { if (visible === true) { var offset = $(this).offset(); $(this).removeClass('hideme'); } }); $('.p-image-02').bind('inview', function(event, visible) { if (visible === true) { $('.dontHide').removeClass('hideme-slide'); } }); $('.newtr').bind('inview', function(event, visible) { if (visible === true) { $('.dontHide').removeClass('hideme-slide2'); } }); /* 11 Fact Counter ================================================== */ /* Counter */ $.fn.countTo = function(options) { // merge the default plugin settings with the custom options options = $.extend({}, $.fn.countTo.defaults, options || {}); // how many times to update the value, and how much to increment the value on each update var loops = Math.ceil(options.speed / options.refreshInterval), increment = (options.to - options.from) / loops; return $(this).each(function() { var _this = this, loopCount = 0, value = options.from, interval = setInterval(updateTimer, options.refreshInterval); function updateTimer() { value += increment; loopCount++; $(_this).html(value.toFixed(options.decimals)); if (typeof(options.onUpdate) == 'function') { options.onUpdate.call(_this, value); } if (loopCount >= loops) { clearInterval(interval); value = options.to; if (typeof(options.onComplete) == 'function') { options.onComplete.call(_this, value); } } } }) }; var count = 0; var dataperc; //mobile counter if ($(window).width() > 479) { $('.milestone-counter').bind('inview', function(event, visible) { if (visible === true & count === 0) { // element is now visible in the viewport count++; $('.milestone-counter').each(function() { dataperc = $(this).attr('data-perc'), $(this).find('.milestone-count').delay(6000).countTo({ from: 0, to: dataperc, speed: 2500, refreshInterval: 80 }); }); } else { // element has gone out of viewport } }); } else { $('.milestone-count.highlight').each(function() { $(this).html($(this).parent().attr('data-perc')) }) } /* 12 Progress Bar ================================================== */ initProgress('.progress'); function initProgress(el) { jQuery(el).each(function() { var pData = jQuery(this).data('progress'); progress(pData, jQuery(this)); }); } function progress(percent, $element) { var progressBarWidth = 0; (function myLoop(i, max) { progressBarWidth = i * $element.width() / 100; setTimeout(function() { $element.find('div').find('small').html(i + '%'); $element.find('div').width(progressBarWidth); if (++i <= max) myLoop(i, max); }, 10) })(0, percent); } /* 13 Flick Feeds ================================================== */ $('.photo-stream, .grayscale').flickrfeed('52617155@N08', '', { limit: 9, title: false, date: false }); /* 14 Preloader ================================================== */ $('.spinner').fadeOut(); // will first fade out the loading animation $('.loader').delay(350).fadeOut('slow'); // will fade out the white DIV that covers the website. $('body').delay(350).css({ 'overflow': 'visible' }); /* 15 Pie chart ================================================== */ $('.percentage-light').easyPieChart({ barColor: function(percent) { percent /= 100; return "rgb(25, 185, 200)"; }, trackColor: 'rgba(225, 227, 229, 1)', scaleColor: false, lineCap: 'butt', rotate: 0, lineWidth: 5, animate: 5000, onStep: function(value) { this.$el.find('span').text(~~value); } }); $('.updateEasyPieChart').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $('.percentage, .percentage-light').each(function() { $(this).data('easyPieChart').update(Math.round(100 * Math.random())); }); }); $('.plan').mouseenter(function() { $(this).closest('.pricing').find('.plan').removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); }); /* 16 On to Top ================================================== */ jQuery().UItoTop({ easingType: 'easeInOutExpo' }); /* 17 Header Search ================================================== */ var searchBtn = $('#header-search-button'), searchPanel = $('#header-search-panel'), searchP = $('#header-search'), searchInput = searchPanel.find('input[type="text"]'), searchClose = searchPanel.find('.close-search'); function searchBtnClick(event) { event.preventDefault(); var _t = $(this); if (!_t.hasClass('active')) { searchPanel.fadeIn(300); _t.addClass('active'); } else { _t.removeClass('active'); searchPanel.fadeOut(300); } } function searchBtnClose(event) { searchBtn.removeClass('active'); searchPanel.fadeOut(300); } searchBtn.on("click", searchBtnClick); searchClose.on("click", searchBtnClose); // /* ====== ON DOCUMENT READY END ====== */ }); // Projects filtering var fselector = 0; var work_grid = $("#project-grid"); function filterWorks(event) { var isotope_mode; if (work_grid.hasClass("masonry")) { isotope_mode = "masonry"; } else { isotope_mode = "fitRows"; } $(".filter").removeClass("active"); $(this).addClass("active"); fselector = $(this).attr('data-filter'); work_grid.isotope({ itemSelector: '.mix', layoutMode: isotope_mode, filter: fselector }); //work_grid.isotope({filter:'.enamels'}); return false; } function initWorkFilter(makeFilter) { (function($) { var isotope_mode; if (work_grid.hasClass("masonry")) { isotope_mode = "masonry"; } else { isotope_mode = "fitRows"; } if(makeFilter!="") { fselector = makeFilter; } work_grid.imagesLoaded(function() { work_grid.isotope({ itemSelector: '.mix', layoutMode: isotope_mode, filter: fselector }); }); $(".filter").on("click", filterWorks); })(jQuery); }